Join DHDHOG Omaha Chapter #4411

Chapter 4411

Thanks for your interest in joining the DHD Omaha Chapter #4411.

Our motto is “Just Ride!” We hope that you will join us!

Membership in the DHD Omaha Chapter is open to anyone who is a member of the National Harley Owner’s Group (HOG) and is interested in the purposes of our group. (Go to the Harley Owners Group website or call 1-800-CLUBHOG for more information on becoming a National HOG member.)

HOG wants each chapter to be family-oriented, non-political, non-controversial and to simply “Ride and Have Fun.” We do not discriminate in the granting of membership rights and benefits on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, sex, disability, or national origin. You only have to own a Harley to join.

For more information read our Welcome Letter.

Once you have your National HOG membership number, simply follow the steps below:

  • Print out the Chapter Membership Application form.
  • Fill out the entire membership form, including your signature.
  • Dues are $25.00 for the full year.
  • Mail your completed membership form and dues to:

    DHDHOG Omaha Chapter
    c/o Defiance Harley Davidson
    4940 South 72nd Street
    Omaha, NE 68127

Or, you may bring your membership form and dues to a Chapter Event. One of our officers will be happy to sign you up. Check the calendar for upcoming events.