DHDHOG Omaha Chapter #4411
The Harley Owners Group (HOG) is a national organization founded and sponsored by the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. Its membership consists of Harley-Davidson® owners and riders.
The DHDHOG Omaha Chapter was chartered in July, 2018 as the successor to the Omaha Council Bluffs HOG chapter.
The mission of the DHDHOG Omaha Chapter is to ride, make new friends, and most importantly, have fun! We are a licensed and chartered chapter of the national Harley Owners Group and are sponsored by Defiance Harley Davidson of Omaha, Nebraska. If you love Harley’s, like to ride, and have fun, then please join us at our monthly social or come out and ride as a guest on one of our scheduled rides. We can’t wait to meet and welcome you into the DHD Omaha Chapter and the Defiance Harley Davidson family!
Our Chapter Motto: “JUST RIDE!”
We look forward to meeting you!