39th Annual Abate NE District 2 Bike Show
February 14 @ 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
DHD Omaha Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of chapter members. There are three categories of activities, all activities are identified as follows:
- Closed events are those chapter events which are open to chapter members and one guest per member.
- Member events are events that are open only to chapter members.
- Open events are those chapter events which are open to chapter members, national HOG members and other guests as desired.
Note: All DHD Omaha Chapter activities are “Closed Events” unless stated otherwise.
If you are interested in a closed event and are considering joining our chapter, you are welcome to join us at our event. You will be required to sign a waver or join the DHD Omaha Chapter before the event starts.
* Events tagged as Other are not associated with Defiance Harley Davidson or DHDHOG. They are listed here as a convenience to DHDHOG Chapter members.